Introducing the brand new VERSO bracelet that can multi-task as an ‘‘in memory or support of…” decoration to attach to a bag or coat, to wrap cords, or whatever you like. The small section of color that wraps all the way around the bracelet can be r…

Introducing the brand new VERSO bracelet that can multi-task as an ‘‘in memory or support of…” decoration to attach to a bag or coat, to wrap cords, or whatever you like. The small section of color that wraps all the way around the bracelet can be removed. I have a variety of colors, lengths (some double-wrap) and styles.

Apologies for the super low-tech photo. Professional ones to come!

Clearly, I need to get out in the sun. This is just to show bracelet mode.

Clearly, I need to get out in the sun. This is just to show bracelet mode.